Futura Energi Indonesia

Futura Energi Indonesia as now journeyed within five years in clean energy industry, especially solar panel. Futura Energy continuous work hard to support energy transition from fuel based industry to clean energy based.


Who We Are?

Futura Energi Indonesia as now journeyed within five years in clean energy industry, especially solar panel. Futura Energy continuous work hard to support energy transition from fuel based industry to clean energy based. The milestone of Futura Energi Indonesia has started in 2017, from biogas to solar PV business. Afterward, we professionalize and certified our team to focus in longlast and reliable solar PV partnership business model. Our main value is EPCE (Excellence, Professional, Collaborative,Empathy), thus we hope we can be your number one choice to solve your problems and fulfil your needs regarding clean energy.

Our Vision : To be longlast and reliable clean energy partner worldwide.
Our Mission : Provide Total Solution for goods and services regarding clean energy to the client needs.

What We Do?

Design and Engineering

With our 5 years of experience and dozens of clients, we are able to provide guidance and advice on the existing fields and standards. We will guarantee that our clients stay in the right path.


We also provide a one-stop solution for solar panel installation services to industrial and residential users. Our construction team has 3 years of experience in installing solar panels; we are confident that our services will meet your expectations.


We provide the best service to our customers. We carry out installation according to IEC and SNI standards. The design, engineering process must be good so that the installed panel can operate efficiently, so that customers have a faster return on investment.


We are one of the most trusted and reliable service companies, who provide maintenance services for solar PV users by checking solar panels, cleaning them and checking the entire installation. So that solar PV users do not need to worry about a decrease in the effectiveness of solar PV performance.

Why Choose Us ?


Our team have excellent qualifications and experience, we provide you with a complete array of solar PV installation,operation and maintenance services that are tailored to suit your needs. Our certified technical team with over 3 years experience in solar PV installation, operation and maintenance and customer satisfaction would ensure that you are happy with our service delivery.


At Solar PV Professionals, our goal is to provide longlasting and reliable partnership regarding clean energy industry. Our aim is to find a solution for your electricity needs and supply top quality solar panel installation service


Collaboration is a key value for Futura Energi Indonesia because it allows us to work effectively with a range of stakeholders, including customers, employees, suppliers, regulators, and the community. By fostering collaboration, we can build strong relationships, solve problems more efficiently, and create win-win outcomes for all parties involved. This can be especially important in the solar energy industry, which often involves complex projects that require close coordination and cooperation among multiple parties. Collaboration can help us to overcome challenges, innovate, and achieve its goals more effectively.


As a value in Futura Energi Indonesia, empathy could involve understanding the needs and concerns of the customers and actively trying to address them. It could also involve being mindful of the impact the company has on the environment and the communities in which it operates, and taking steps to minimize negative effects and maximize positive ones. Empathy helps us to build strong, positive relationships with customers and stakeholders, and to operate in a responsible and ethical manner.

The Team

Our Team

Chief Executive Officer

Izza Auliya Amukholidi

Chief Operating Officer

M Fadlur Rachman

Chief Financial Officer

Ani Suryani

Project Engineer

Riofaldi .P.A

Project Manager

A.D.Y Yugo

Solar Engineer

Jeffry .A


M. Basri G


Moh Aji Pamungkas

Our Portfolio

Fastest Growing

+17 MWp


